Maistra has three hotels open in Croatia and ready for challenging 2020 season – The Dubrovnik Times

One of the leading hotel groups in Croatia, Maistra, is one of the only hotel chains that has opened its doors to more than one hotel, in fact Maistra have opened three hotels. Maistra currently has three hotels open to accommodate domestic and foreign guests – Westin in Zagreb, Adriatic in Rovinj and Hilton Imperial in Dubrovnik.

After the reopening of the borders, they plan to open camps, and then hotels and resorts in Rovinj and Vrsar. In total, Maistra, which operates within the Adris Group, manages 20 hotels, 11 tourist resorts and six campsites, in which 3.6 million overnight stays were realized last year.

The company does not make predictions on how many overnight stays it will make this year, and when asked by Hina, they state that they are currently recording inquiries and reservations for the second half of this year, mostly from neighbouring markets.

They also state that the prices of overnight stays have not and will not change significantly this year, because they believe that such ‘actions’ have very questionable short-term effects, and in the long run they are generally very harmful.

“We will complete all planned and started investments in 2020, and we will continue with the development of projects for 2021. Concrete investments this year in Istria include the continuation of renovations in Hotel Eden, while the most important is in raising the quality of offer in Rovinj and Vrsar camps,» stated Masitra.

When asked how many employees they will have this year, they point out that it depends on the number of accommodation capacities they will open, and that in turn depends on booking.

«We are organizing business in accordance with the new circumstances and so far we have not considered the possibility of laying off employees. We are a stable company and regardless of the situation caused by coronavirus we have provided funds for smooth payment of salaries.» Emphasized the company. But for now, they have stopped the planned seasonal employment.

Stressing that tourism has been hit like never before, Maistra expects the public sector to continue measures to help tourism to bridge the period without or reduced business activity until the start of the 2021 season.